Wednesday 13 May 2015

An Able Dentist in Roselle, IL Can Fit Your Teeth with Dental Crowns

Despite the care and attention you give to your teeth through brushing and flossing, they are still subjected to wear every time you eat or drink. Your teeth could deteriorate in time due to the plaque in your mouth that feeds on the sugar left behind by your foodstuffs and beverages. With age, your teeth could slowly lose its white coloration, resulting in yellowish teeth. It can be tedious to keep your teeth as clean and white as possible, but there is a way to kill both metaphorical birds with one stone with dental crowns.

Crowns refer to specific dental appliances that fit over your teeth like caps, hence “crowns”. They can be used to enhance the appearance of teeth, giving the wearer a more handsome smile. These appliances can only be fitted by a trained cosmetic dentist in Roselle, IL, however. While the process to create and fit these crowns is tedious, the results are semi-permanent, and will most definitely enhance your look once completed.

Monday 11 May 2015

An Orthodontist in Schaumberg, IL Can Correct and Improve Your Smile

Teeth are vital parts of your body in that they allow you to chew and consume food, as well as properly pronounce words and flash a smile. Proper brushing and flossing can preserve the cleanliness and health of teeth, but such habits can do little to fix malocclusions. Malocclusions, or improper bites, refer to jaws and teeth that improperly developed, resulting in crooked teeth. Such misaligned teeth can be unsightly to behold, and can make the individual feel embarrassed about having an awkward smile.

Fortunately for those who suffer from malocclusions, there is a specific branch of dentistry that deals with the treatment of misaligned teeth—orthodontics. With orthodontics, even the most crooked of smiles can be improved upon for a more natural appearance.